Saturday, December 8, 2012

Miles of Aisles of Sexism

       Sexism and gender inequality is an issue that can be seen everywhere, as Sudie Hoffman has realized in her studies, even toys have hidden messages around sexism and societal values. Yes, cooking, cleaning, and other housewife toys are found in pink or/ and girl related designs and wars and action like toys in only male related sections can cause an impact, but it is only to the extent in which the adult follows through. An adult can tell a child that the toy can be neutral despite the design and can allow the chid to see beyond the message of society. Knit-picking every little detail as sexist will cause a problem, so allow the child to hace fun, while teaching them that there is no label. Real sexist and gender inequality problems are like those described in PeaceKeeper Cause-Metics. This site explains that women are of less value in the workplace and in society despite women making up more than half the world's population. The site also refers to the injustices of the women in Afganistan. Ten Extreme Example of Gender Inequality state ten extreme exampe which revolve around women in  the middle east. These women caannot drive, get divorced, protect themselves from abusive husbands or even leave their city without a significant man in their lives consent. In the US, women do not even make up even half of the top jobs. Gender Inequality in the US Today shows how some believe that equality is being pushed for and women are reaching top notch jobs, but it is guilded.
Women, even single mothers, get less help from the goverment even to those men who are doing well.
Women only make up a few percent of the C.E.Os and other jobs. They can only go so far up the ladder of their workplace.
Men who hold the same exact jobs as women get paid more.